Thursday, October 9, 2014


It is Day 9. 
I have already missed three days, for which I am beating myself about the head.

This day looked full from the time my feet hit the floor. I couldn't see a way to meet all my requirements. Frustration about being behind in more than one part of my lifemounted. In my quiet time this morning, I said to God, “I GIVE UP!”

He said, “Okay. Good,” but I was busy ranting.

I said, “I can’t do this anymore!”

He said, “Okay. I knew that,” but I was busy ranting.

I said, “What is it You want me to do??”

He said, “Give up,” which stopped my ranting. I sat quietly. I put in a new spiritual teaching CD I have. I listened. I read my devotional and listened.

And I am here to make the declaration that it is my dominant intent to give up.

This will take more than one blog post to dissect. I hope you will stick with me.

A few words sent me over the edge…

Come to me and I will give you rest—all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear my yoke—for it fits perfectly—and let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:28)

So I just give up….

I give up attempting to control the uncontrollable. If numerous things don’t rush into your head, you must live in a universe parallel to mine. 
For the most part, that’s everyone and everything who isn’t me. I can’t control any of it. I can’t control any of it. I can’t control any of it…

I give up struggling so much. There is no point in rowing upstream. 
Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but I come that they might have life and have it in abundance” (John 10.10)
Abundance is downstream. Well-being is downstream. 
At the very least, I could sit sideways…but rowing upstream is futile and steals my energy. Instead, I fuss and fume and worry and get myself all balled up. Then I cry or yell or both.

I give up.
It isn’t a way to live. It isn’t what was intended for any of us.

I give up.

How about you? Either of these a challenge for you? Do you need to give up too?

I have a couple more tasks and am going to focus on these two areas for a couple hours.

Maybe we will disucss more before I sleep.

Talk to you later,


I am participating in a 31 Day blog challenge. My topic is Allowing Me… You can see preceding days below this blog. You can see other bloggers here.

Beth Painter is, among many other things, a writer and motivational speaker. You can follow her on Facebook on the “Think Big focus small” page.
Beth is available to speak to your group about how to make your dreams and desires come to life! 

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