Saturday, October 10, 2015

{Day 10} Words on ALLOWING from Theodor Geisel

It has taken me a long time to learn the wisdom of allowing myself to rest.

Today's good word comes from Theodor Geisel a.k.a. Dr Seuss

He is one of my all-time favorite philosophers.

You are the only one who can be you.

You are the only one who can ALLOW yourself to be you.

Rest well.

We'll talk tomorrow...

BP :)

I am participating in Write 31 Days. Click here to read more about it and see the other amazing bloggers.
You can see earlier entries below this blog or in the sidebar under 2015.

Beth Painter is, among many other things, a writer and motivational speaker. You can follow her on Facebook on the “Think Big focus small” page.

Beth is available to speak to your group about how to make your dreams and desires come to life! 

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