Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tired, misunderstood...and strong {Day 17}

Day 17 has been...interesting. Some good stuff, some challenging stuff. 

I am tired, feeling challenged, and somewhat misunderstood.

Sometimes examining my heart on days like this is fruitful, was not one of those times.

Other times the necessary word often comes from unexpected the Wii virtual fitness trainer.
Normally I find her find to be irritating and not very nice. But occasionally she says something  like "you're pretty strong, aren't you!"

YES, I am strong. I CAN stand against the best curve ball and change-up this life has to offer. I can stand against being misunderstood, against financial challenges, against residual pain and swelling from two partially amputated fingers and a filleted palm.

And you can too.

But sometimes we forget.

We forget that we have given away some of our power to undeserving things, and that we must reclaim that power and use it wisely.

We forget to use the memories of past triumphs, forget to tap into the equity of those successes.

We forget that everything on this Earth is so temporary. Everything. Except the way we treat people. The hurts others inflict on us will be healed in divine ways. The sadness of death will one day be rejoicing at eternal life. But the love we share with others multiplies itself in our own lives. And abides.

We forget that the Creator if the universe is ready to carry us, prop us up, solve our problems and our hurts in ways that are infinitely more wonderful than we can ever imagine. Just ask...
Short and sweet...and just what I needed to hear today. How about you?

Do you need to hear it?

Love is eternal. Everything else is temporary. EVERYTHING ELSE IS TEMPORARY.

I'm pretty strong.
So are you.

And we have access to One who is infinitely stronger and more wonderful than you dare to think or imagine.

We will talk again tomorrow…

I’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Examining My Heart.
This is Day 17.
You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.
If you miss any days in the series, you can find the introduction and each day's post here.

Beth Painter is a writer and motivational speaker. You can follow her on Facebook on the “Think Big focus small” page.
Beth is available to speak to your group about how to make your dreams and desires come to life!

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